Collective #638

Inspirational Website of the Week: Hi, skin

Smooth as butter with so many joyous details that just work together. Our pick this week.

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How Craigslist’s Competition is Winning the UX Battle With In-App

Facebook, OfferUp, and Nextdoor are all poised, either on their own or as a group, to fossilize Craigslist thanks largely to an understanding of what users want and when as it relates to communicating via in-app chat.

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Making things move

An excellent scrolly-telling breakdown of the recreation of Walter Leblanc’s print “Torsions” with Canvas. By Varun Vachhar.

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The mythical “fast” web page

The first door opens in this year’s Web Performance Calendar and it’s Rick Viscomi explaining what “fast” actually means for web pages.

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The State of CSS 2020 Survey Results

Check out the results of the annual survey about the latest trends in CSS.

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Troubleshooting Caching

Michelle Barker shares some useful steps to ensure browsers serve the latest files after deploying changes on a website.

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How to Build HTML Forms Right: Security

In this last article of a series on building better web forms, Austin Gil covers everything around security.

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A Calendar in Three Lines of CSS

Learn how you can create a calendar with only three lines of CSS using CSS Grid Layout.

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A new design tool for 3D web experiences. In early preview release.

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Creating websites with prefers-reduced-data

Learn all about “prefers-reduced-data” including strategies for implementing it in your website and what you can do to actually save data.

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TS belt

TS Belt is a library for functional programming in TypeScript. Inspired by the Belt module for ReScript/Reason, it solves the problem of the existence of both undefined and null.

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From the 1st to the 24th of December 2020, PWAdvent introduces a new progressive browser feature every day.

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A random color cycler and explorative color palette editor.

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Quick tutorial CSS tip: How to show source code the easy way

Using display block on script and style blocks is a simple way to make HTML tutorials easier. By Christian Heilmann.

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Some awesome ripples using GSAP stagger and Three.js.

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Three.js Luminous Pharaoh

a wonderful Three.js demo made by Pharaoh Francesco Michelini with his Three.js starter template. Check out the GitHub repo.

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A font-display setting for slow connections

Another gem from the Web Performance Calendar: Matt Hobbs ponders on “What font-display setting should be used to improve the experience for all users?”

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SPCSS is a simple and plain style sheet for text-based websites.

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Blocksy WordPress Theme

Blocksy is a really well coded and super-fast free WordPress theme that works with the Gutenberg editor.

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Bread (Pure CSS)

An adorable CSS demo made by Laura Grassi.

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5 Best Practices to Write Quality JavaScript Variables

Learn some best practices on how to write quality JavaScript variables: prefer const, minimize scope, close to use place, and more.

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From Our Blog

Crafting a Scrollable and Draggable Parallax Slider

A tutorial on how to build a slider with an interesting parallax effect that you can either scroll or drag through.

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