5 UX Design Trends to Dazzle Users in 2021

5 UX Design Trends to Dazzle Users in 2021

Many UX design trends for 2021 have evolved from the challenges and setbacks we experienced in 2020.

The tech industry has had to adapt to a world where remote work is the new normal, and people are spending even more time in front of screens. All of these aspects are connected to the user experience (UX) design process.

In this post, we’ll look at the top UX trends for 2021 and how you can start using UX design to boost conversions.

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Top 5 UX design trends for 2021

The top five UX design trends you’ll want to pay attention to this year include:

  1. Extensive behavior research
  2. Voice-user interface design
  3. More personalized design
  4. UX writing and microcopy
  5. Passwordless login

Let’s look at each trend.

1. Extensive behavior research

The events of 2020 have led users to spend more time online, interacting digitally.

Most people use digital tools more than they did before 2020 — whether they’re ordering food delivery or groceries, catching up with friends and family via Zoom, attending virtual events, taking virtual workout classes, or streaming entertainment.

Keeping your customers engaged online requires a deeper understanding of what they’re looking for and what makes them react.

We have to constantly come up with new, inventive ways to deliver customer value with UX design.

Over the last year, users have also become more mindful of where and why they spend their money. That’s why you’ll want to pay attention to extensive behavior research — our first UX design trend for 2021.

Increasing behavior research can give you a more accurate understanding of what your users are looking for when they visit your site or interact online.

When conducting behavior research for UX design, you’ll want to pay attention to:

  • Who is your ideal audience?
  • Why do they use your products or services?
  • What product features are they looking for?
  • How do users feel while they are using your products or services?

With this information, you can craft digital experiences that delight and convert your audience.

2. Voice-user interface design

Screen fatigue is at an all-time high. For that reason, we expect to see increasing voice search and interaction in 2021.

Most of us have some type of microphone or headset attached to our computers that makes it easy for voice commands to become the new normal. Smart home devices and voice assistants on smartphones have already become common.

We can even take it further with voice chatbots and virtual assistants becoming commonplace. Apple, Android, and Google have led the way by implementing these features in their products.

Voice-activated interfaces eliminate the need to type, which in a world of multitasking, gives devices more value. This also happens to be a great option for increasing accessibility, which makes the trend even more exciting for UX design professionals.

3. More personalized design

You can’t deny the satisfaction you experience when a product is more tailored to your personal needs.

Personalized UX is a powerful thing — whether it’s echoed in what appears in your Netflix feed, the types of ads that display on Instagram, or the related products that appear when you’re browsing Amazon.

If users don’t get an experience that is customized to their needs, they won’t think twice before moving on to your competitors. But when users see personalized options, they’re more likely to convert.

In a world where we’re overwhelmed with options every time we open a device or website, personalization can make all the difference in what products we choose to buy.

4. UX writing and microcopy

Another UX design trend we’re seeing more in 2021 is UX writing and microcopy.

Similar to personalized design, companies are changing their communication styles to be more personal, so they can connect with customers on a different level. They want their website copy to be less formal and mimic everyday dialogue to make users feel comfortable.

Microcopy — short tidbits of copy — helps users navigate digital experiences and can boost brand engagement and conversions.

It’s important to remember who your audience is when employing this method of personalization, and make sure it reflects your brand’s voice.

Airbnb’s “Go Near” messaging is a great example of personalized microcopy that encourages users to explore and book stays near them.

5. Passwordless login

People use countless applications every day, and it’s impossible to remember every password.

Often, a password is required to be a combination of numbers, special characters, and letters, which makes it even more difficult to keep straight. And when you forget, it becomes even more frustrating as you have to go through the whole “forgot password” system all over again.

Everyone knows how painful it is when you can’t remember your password. This is definitely an issue that UX designers will need to address in 2021 — and it brings us to our last UX design trend.

Transitioning to passwordless logins has become more and more popular, and we expect to see it more in 2021.

Logging in via Google, social media accounts, pin codes, or with a thumbprint or face recognition has already been adopted by large brands and will need to be kept in mind for UX professionals as time progresses.

Get started with UX design!

Last year was a challenge, but we have seen the design and technology world rise to the occasion and offer solutions to as many challenges as they can for individuals.

2020 has given way to some exciting, new virtual experiences and opportunities for people, and we can expect to see more of that in 2021.

To excel at UX design in 2021, you’ll want to pay attention to these trends:

  • Extensive behavior research to make sure you’re designing for the right audience and giving that audience everything they’re looking for in an extremely competitive market.
  • Voice-activated user interfaces that decrease screen fatigue and make it easier to interact online.
  • Hand-crafted user experiences with personalized design elements, copy, and everything in between to make users more comfortable with the overall experience.

At the end of the day, the most important thing is to find what fits your users’ needs. Whether it’s a new UX trend or a trend that has been around for years, figuring this out will help you win at UX and achieve your revenue goals.

If you want to learn more about how UX design can boost website conversions, WebFX can help! In the last five years, we’ve driven $2.5 billion in revenue for clients, and we’d love to help you reach your goals with custom UX design services.

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