Converting Landing Page


Converting Landing Page is a premium conversion-optimized HTML landing page. It has got clean structure and professional design as well as many extra page templates, which allows you to use it as sale platform as well as an informational landing page. Converting Landing Page drives conversions using proven techniques like the Gutenberg Principle, F-Pattern and AIDA. Fortified with strongest visual design fundamentals (color theory, hierarchy, contrast and action mapping), Converting Landing Page best practices can take your business to the highest conversion rates ever. You might be intrested also in landing page from our amazing product: MultiPurpose – Responsive HTML5 Website Template The landing page’s main goal is to co

The template assembly can include the following files: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Fonts, Icons, Images.
If the description indicates otherwise, this is just an example as a template can be used.


Converting Landing Page is a premium conversion-optimized HTML landing page. It has got clean structure and professional design as well as many extra page templates, which allows you to use it as sale platform as well as an informational landing page. Converting Landing Page drives conversions using proven techniques like the Gutenberg Principle, F-Pattern and AIDA. Fortified with strongest visual design fundamentals (color theory, hierarchy, contrast and action mapping), Converting Landing Page best practices can take your business to the highest conversion rates ever. You might be intrested also in landing page from our amazing product: MultiPurpose – Responsive HTML5 Website Template The landing page’s main goal is to co