Droppps is a multipurpose landing page designed to promote, generate leads or call to action for your app or service.
Modern Design
Fully Responsive
Bootstrap v3
Awesome carousels
Font Awesome Icons
Mailchimp Ready Subscription Form
Working Contact Form
SEO Friendly
Video Background
Number Counter
Google Map With Infowindow
Google Web Fonts
Well Commented code
Stick navigation and smooth scrolling between anchors
19.09.2016 — Version 1.1
- Typography fix
- Bonus email template added
30.08.2016 — Version 1
- Initial release
Recent Projects
Mango Café – An inspiration restaurant
The template assembly can include the following files: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Fonts, Icons, Images.
If the description indicates otherwise, this is just an example as a template can be used.
Droppps is a multipurpose landing page designed to promote, generate leads or call to action for your app or service. Modern Design Fully Responsive Bootstrap v3 Awesome carousels Font Awesome Icons Mailchimp Ready Subscription Form Working Contact Form SEO Friendly Video Background Number Counter Google Map With Infowindow Google Web Fonts HTML 5 & CSS3 Well Commented code Stick navigation and smooth scrolling between anchors Updates 19.09.2016 — Version 1.1 - Typography fix - Bonus email template added 30.08.2016 — Version 1 - Initial release Recent Projects Mango Café – An inspiration restaurant