Content Audit Basics: 4 Steps to Help Supercharge Your Content Marketing

Content Audit Basics: 4 Steps to Help Supercharge Your Content Marketing

In this video, Internet Marketer Kelley will go over how to do a content audit in 4 steps. Check out the short video (and the transcript) below!

Transcript: If you create content for your website, or work with a team of content marketers, this video is for you!

I’m going to go over some major content audit steps to help you determine where you need to make changes on your website.

Let’s jump right in!

What is a content audit?

When you perform a content audit, you take stock of all of the content on your website.

You’ll look at the data attached to each piece of content to determine what content performed best, what needs revisions, and what just isn’t working.

During your content audit, you’ll make note of trends you see in your content to inform your future marketing strategy.

This isn’t a ten-minute project, especially if you have a lot of pages on your website. If you want to partner with someone who offers content marketing services and who could handle the content audit for you, don’t hesitate to contact our team at WebFX.

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Content audit steps

I’m going to cover four major steps for when you audit content marketing.

First, I’ll start with figuring out the structure of your audit.

Step 1. Determine what you want to learn from your content audit

You can approach your content audit from a bunch of different directions, so it’s important to pick one before you spend time analyzing your website.

One great goal for a content audit is to find pages that need updates and pages that might be better off removed from your site altogether.

If you’re really confident in all of your content, you might want to analyze your keyword targeting, or determine if you’re using the proper messaging for your brand.

The direction you go in will help you decide which metrics to pull in the next step.

Step 2. Gather data for all the pages on your website

This is where Internet marketing tools come in handy.

Screaming Frog will pull information like your page URLs, page titles, descriptions, and major headings among other things.

The Screaming Frog crawler tool for your content audit

If you use Google Analytics, you can gather data about how people interacted with all of the pages on your site. Bounce rate, time on page, pageviews…you can use it all in your content audit.

Google Analytics interfacewith data that helps your content audit

Export the data from your tools into a spreadsheet, and you’re ready to move on to the next step.

Step 3. Analyze your content audit data

Once you’ve pulled all of the necessary metrics for your goals, determine what content is the best, and what needs some help.

If you want to get rid of content that doesn’t get as much organic traffic as you’d like it to, you have a few options other than just deleting it forever.

Maybe it just needs some revisions. If you have two competing pages, and one performs better than the other, you might want to redirect the underperforming page to the more successful one.

The actions you take depend on the goal of your audit.

Step 4. Break down trends for your future content strategy

While you’re analyzing your content, take note of any trends in your top-performing content.

Did content with an infographic or video have a lower bounce rate?

Did longform content resonate better with your audience than shorter content?

If you determine something worked really well for your content marketing strategy, you might want to lean in to whatever that was so you can connect with more site visitors in the future.

Tools to help you audit content marketing

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention some tools you can use for your content audit.

First, I’ll plug a WebFX tool.

Our SEO checker will perform an SEO audit of your website so you have an idea of where you can make improvements to boost your site’s position in search engines.

WebFX SEO Checker

  • Site Speed Analysis
  • Content Grade
  • URL Optimization Check
  • Page Link Audit
Check Your Site's SEO Now!


Speaking of automatic, as I mentioned, both Screaming Frog and Google Analytics can export website page data to help make your content audit a lot easier.

SEMrush content audit tool homepage

SEO tools Ahrefs and SEMRush also have functionality that would be helpful for your audit, so you should definitely check those out.

Ahrefs content audit tool homepage

If you have any other questions about how to audit your content, feel free to leave them in the YouTube comments. We really love hearing from you!

And before you move on to the next video, we’d love it if you’d subscribe to our YouTube channel and give this video a thumbs up!

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