Collective #732

Inspirational Website of the Week: Angello Torres

The portfolio of Angello Torres will pamper you with lovely details and creative typography.

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Fully Managed Cloud & Web Hosting

Codrops’ host of choice since 2016 is Liquid Web because they provide an unrivaled hosting experience, delivering 99.999% uptime and 24/7 heroic human support.

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State of CSS

The annual developer survey about the latest trends in CSS. Read this article by Lea Verou to learn more about it.

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Use cases for CSS comparison functions

A look at some different use-cases for min(), max(), and clamp(). By Ahmad Shadeed.

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WebGL Scrolling Animations

Daniel Velasquez writes about scrolling through satisfying WebGL animations in this latest issue of Offscreen Canvas.

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6+5 ways to make a two-column layout: from pretty reasonable to completely wrong

Vadim Makeev’s in-depth exploration of creating a two-column layout.

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Locomotive-scroll and Lenis

Read this Twitter thread by Quentin Hocdé on how and why he merged locomotive-scroll and Lenis.

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Bookmarklet to remove sticky elements and restore scrolling to web pages.

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When going somewhere does a thing: on links and buttons

In this article Kilian Valkhof explores the roles of buttons and links.

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Three.js Shield Shader

A really cool shield shader made in Three.js by Francesco Michelini.

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58 bytes of CSS to look great nearly everywhere

A fantastic Gist of some very useful CSS to make a page look great.

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Drawing a star with DOMMatrix

Jake Archibald shows how to use DOMMatrix for drawing shapes.

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js13kGames 2022 winners

Find out who the winners of the eleventh annual js13kGames coding competition are.

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I turned JS into a compiled language (for fun and Wasm)

Surma writes about the journey of transpiling JavaScript to C++.

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Guitar Chords: Diagrams with Notes & Finger Positions

Get guitar chord diagrams for a whole lot of popular chords at different positions on the fretboard. The chord diagrams show finger positions and note names.

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In case you didn’t know about it: An extension that allows to click on an UI Component in the browser and open its code in your IDE.

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SVG Animals

An amazing collection of SVG animals made with triangula by Olivier Blanc based on his photographies.

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Nerfstudio provides an API that allows for a simplified end-to-end process of creating, training, and testing NeRFs.

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Into the Woods

A super cool interactive experience with amazing graphics.

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Meta balls + drei + react-three/rapier

Paul Henschel about pairing meta balls with react-three/rapier. See the demo here.

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The Illustrated Stable Diffusion

A great visual explainer by Jay Alammar on how Stable Diffusion works.

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From Our Blog

Animating Tiny Triangles with Three.js

A video coding session where you’ll learn how to animate tiny triangles to create a whirlwind-like dissolving effect in Three.js.

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From Our Blog

On-Scroll Animation and View Switch

A layout with some scroll animations and a view switch where the content item images animate to a grid.

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