How to Get Traffic to Your Website [6 Tactics]

How to Get Traffic to Your Website [6 Tactics]

No matter what products or services you sell, marketing is vital to the success of your business. And at the center of all your digital marketing lies one critical element: Your website.

Ultimately, your marketing efforts aim to bring users back to your site. Your website is where you can detail what you offer, and it’s where a high percentage of your conversions will happen.

But how do you drive website traffic to your website? Fortunately, there are several tactics you can use to build a killer traffic generation strategy. Below, we’ll look at a list of tips on how to get traffic to your website.

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6 ways to drive website traffic

One of the fantastic things about the Internet is that you have quite a few different ways to draw people to your site.

Here are six fantastic tips on how to get traffic to your website!

1. Practice technical SEO

Did you know that 93% of all online experiences begin with a search engine? Google is one of the best platforms for reaching users — making search engine optimization (SEO) a fantastic way to boost website traffic for your business.

SEO involves optimizing your web content to rank in Google search results, and much of that process comes down to optimizing technical elements on your site. Technical SEO includes tactics like:

  • Optimizing your page speeds
  • Making your site mobile-friendly
  • Using HTTPS
  • And more!

When you optimize your site to satisfy Google’s algorithms, it can rank in search results, where people will find it and visit it.

2. Launch a paid advertising campaign

One of the most straightforward ways to boost website traffic is to directly advertise your products or services online. You can do that by launching paid advertising campaigns on various platforms, including search engines and social media platforms.

Through Google Ads, you can set up pay-per-click (PPC) ads by bidding on relevant keywords and displaying your ads in those searches. With an optimal bidding strategy and a high enough Quality Score — Google’s assessment of your ads’ quality — you can reach plenty of users.



You can also run paid ads on various social media platforms, with your ads appearing in users’ social media feeds. The best part about these PPC ads, both on Google and on most social networks, is that you only pay for them when people click on them!

By displaying your ads prominently where users can see them, you’re likely to generate plenty of interest in your business and draw users to your website.

3. Write compelling blog posts

Not everyone will visit your website for the first time with the intent to buy. Some users may find your site in a search for information and only later decide to convert. By writing blog posts on your site, you can provide the very information that will attract users.

When you run a blog, it should be relevant to your industry. Write about topics you’re the expert in — if you’re a cleaning company, for example, write blog posts with information like home cleaning tips.

You should also center each blog post around a particular keyword, helping your post rank high for that search in Google. If you’re a plumber, then when people search for “how to repair a faucet,” you want your faucet repair blog post to be the first result they see.

Once you start publishing blog posts, you can link to them from your email newsletters and social media posts to help draw more people to your website.

4. Market through social media

If you want to attract people to your site, the best traffic generation strategy is to market where masses of people already are — and with the average user spending 28% of their Internet time on sites like Facebook and Twitter, social media is the optimal spot.



We’ve already mentioned that you can run paid ads on several social media platforms, but you can also drive web traffic simply by running your own account. When you create an account for your business, you can use it to post engaging content and link to your blog posts.

As people are drawn to your page to view your content, many of them will take the next step and follow the links to your website.

On social media, you can share various content formats to better entice users to visit your site. For example, try sharing:

  • Videos featured in a blog post that also include a link to your blog
  • Images of new products with a link to the corresponding product page
  • An employee highlight that takes users to your site to learn more
  • An event or sale that links users to your website

These are just a few ways to use social media to encourage users to visit your website.

5. Send remarketing emails

Did you know that conversion rates increase the more times a user sees an ad? This makes sense since people who’ve visited your site before have already proven their interest in your company. One of the best tactics for reaching already-interested potential clients is email remarketing.

You can create remarketing email lists by displaying email forms on your site that offer a newsletter or special discounts. When people visit your site, they’ll submit their email address – and you’ll have it on file for your remarketing efforts.

Remarketing email strategies allow you to send an email to a user after they’ve shown interest in a specific product or service.

For example, a lot of companies choose to send remarketing emails if:

  • A shopper left something in their cart
  • A shopper clicked on a specific product but never added it to their cart
  • A shopper visited a product more than once

Your remarketing emails will contain a link to the product or service that a user previously showed interest, and drive that traffic to your website.

6. Run a Youtube channel

A final traffic generation strategy you can try is launching a YouTube channel. Video is an incredibly effective medium for capturing people’s attention, the colorful images and moving graphics serving to draw them in.

Your videos can serve a variety of purposes. Some of them can focus specifically on your products or services, while others can tackle similar content to blog posts and provide information on topics in your industry.

You can use each video as an opportunity to encourage users to visit your website for more information or to convert. As users are drawn to your YouTube channel, many will go on to visit your website.

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WebFX can boost website traffic for your business

Need help using the above strategies to attract website traffic? WebFX can help you harness those strategies’ full potential! We’ve been driving digital marketing results for over 20 years, so we know exactly what it takes to boost your site traffic, and we can make it happen.

With our digital marketing services, you can get help optimizing your marketing for each of the tactics listed above. You’ll also receive a dedicated account representative to keep you closely informed about everything we do for you.

To get started with us, give us a call at 888-601-5359 or contact us online today!