Novatic - App landing page


For better overview on Novatic here is the Changelog: Version 2.0 added on 20.06.2017 We have many update for this new version of the project. These are: First of all introduced new sections which complete the missing information about the app, and introduce the possibility to contact the developers. These sections are, in order: a section with statistics a section with the team a section with reviews a contact form with basic validation implemented Then we introduced a background video for the header. And we also created the possibility to change the color scheme of the page, along with the option to show/hide the background video in the header. There is a configurator which lets you change these settings. NEW: N

The template assembly can include the following files: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Fonts, Icons, Images.
If the description indicates otherwise, this is just an example as a template can be used.


For better overview on Novatic here is the Changelog: Version 2.0 added on 20.06.2017 We have many update for this new version of the project. These are: First of all introduced new sections which complete the missing information about the app, and introduce the possibility to contact the developers. These sections are, in order: a section with statistics a section with the team a section with reviews a contact form with basic validation implemented Then we introduced a background video for the header. And we also created the possibility to change the color scheme of the page, along with the option to show/hide the background video in the header. There is a configurator which lets you change these settings. NEW: N