Conference - Event CTA/Registration Landing Page


Conference – Event CTA/Registration Landing Page Conference is a event call to action landing page. The main purpose of this page is to let users signup for the event. Features 3 Layouts Mailchimp Ready Subscription Form Fully Responsive Horizontal Slideout Speakers Bio Bootstrap v3 Working Contact Form Font Awesome Icons Google Mobile Friendly Test Passed SEO Friendly Unique & Modern Design Retina Supported Counter Google Web Fonts HTML 5 & CSS3 Well Commented code Well Documented Preview On Mobile Credits Note: Images are replaced by placeholders.

The template assembly can include the following files: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Fonts, Icons, Images.
If the description indicates otherwise, this is just an example as a template can be used.


Conference – Event CTA/Registration Landing Page Conference is a event call to action landing page. The main purpose of this page is to let users signup for the event. Features 3 Layouts Mailchimp Ready Subscription Form Fully Responsive Horizontal Slideout Speakers Bio Bootstrap v3 Working Contact Form Font Awesome Icons Google Mobile Friendly Test Passed SEO Friendly Unique & Modern Design Retina Supported Counter Google Web Fonts HTML 5 & CSS3 Well Commented code Well Documented Preview On Mobile Credits Note: Images are replaced by placeholders.