Collective #673

Inspirational Website of the Week: ORCA

Super-fresh, bold and with lots of character — this website has a strong design that just works.

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What if Your Project Management Tool Was Fast and Intuitive?

Clubhouse is made for engineers and project managers, providing easy reporting, task management, and collaboration. Try it free and delight the scrum gods!

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Using Absolute Value, Sign, Rounding and Modulo in CSS Today

Ana Tudor shows how to use existing CSS features to compute the values that abs(), sign(), round() and mod() should return.

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CSS Nesting, specificity and you

An article on native CSS nesting which is coming to browsers soon. By Kilian Valkhof.

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Mastering the Basics of Icon Design with Adrien Coquet

Learn icon design basics in Adobe Illustrator from French Graphic Designer Adrien Coquet.

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How To Build Resilient JavaScript UIs

This article by Callum Hart explores how graceful degradation, defensive coding, observability, and a healthy attitude towards failures make empowers us to build UIs that are resilient.

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Aligning a Button Label Vertically

How to align a button content in web fonts with large spacing above and below the text. By Ahmad Shadeed.

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Blobby deer

Louis Hoebregts’ demo that shows how to render SVG with Three.js and then animate it with GSAP.

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How MDN’s autocomplete search works

Peter Bengtsson explains how MDN Web Doc’s autocomplete search works and how it was implemented.

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User preference media features client hints headers

Learn about Sec-CH-Prefers-Color-Scheme client hint header that allows sites to obtain the user’s color scheme preferences optionally at request time, allowing servers to inline the right CSS and therefore avoid a flash of incorrect color theme.

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A Unix-style personal search engine and web crawler for your digital footprint. By Amir Bolous.

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Conjuring Generative Blobs With The CSS Paint API

A tutorial by George Francis where he shows how to make generative blobs utilizing the CSS Paint API.

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Writing great alt text: Emotion matters

Jake Archibald writes on how to pick a proper alt text for an image.

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The Remote Culture War Has Begun, And Executives Are Pumping Out “Back To Work” Propaganda

Ed Zitron writes about a new kind of “propaganda that is coming from a management elite that feels themselves losing control of workers, which is the only reason that they had them in the office in the first place”.

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GPGPU Deferred Shaded Boxes

Rendering and animating lots of shaded boxes with hwoa-rang-gl. By Georgi Nikolov.

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Windmill scene

Inspired by the landscape of the Netherlands, Felix Mariotto coded this beautiful Three.js scene. Check out the repo.

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Why self hosting is important

Solène writes about the utter importance of self hosting and how to get started.

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You want enabling CSS selectors, not disabling ones

Silvestar Bistrović writes about enabling selectors and why they are beneficial.

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From Our Blog

Magical Marbles in Three.js

A tutorial on how to add volumetric effects to a built-in Three.js shader for an interesting marble animation.

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