Rivor | Creative Digital Agency Template


Rivor – A Modern Creative Agency Template crafted for digital agencies, design studios, and creative professionals who demand excellence in their web presence. Built with cutting-edge technologies like GSAP animations and Tailwind CSS, Rivor delivers a premium user experience that sets your agency apart. Featured across 30+ meticulously designed pages, including 10 unique homepage variations, every element is thoughtfully animated using GSAP for smooth, professional transitions. The template comes with both light and dark themes, perfectly optimized for brand customization and user preference. Key Features: GSAP-powered animations and transitions Smooth scroll experience with Lenis Utility-first design with Tailwind CSS R

The template assembly can include the following files: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Fonts, Icons, Images.
If the description indicates otherwise, this is just an example as a template can be used.


Rivor – A Modern Creative Agency Template crafted for digital agencies, design studios, and creative professionals who demand excellence in their web presence. Built with cutting-edge technologies like GSAP animations and Tailwind CSS, Rivor delivers a premium user experience that sets your agency apart. Featured across 30+ meticulously designed pages, including 10 unique homepage variations, every element is thoughtfully animated using GSAP for smooth, professional transitions. The template comes with both light and dark themes, perfectly optimized for brand customization and user preference. Key Features: GSAP-powered animations and transitions Smooth scroll experience with Lenis Utility-first design with Tailwind CSS R