Right Choice is a responsive html template, designed and layered keeping in mind most of commonly used e-commerce platforms.
The template comes with 12 pages, both wide and boxed styles, sliders, carousels, ready to use jQuery plugins.
HTML5 & CSS3 innovative features
Fully responsive design
Twitter’s Bootstrap Framework
Wide & Boxed Layout Styles
Easy Customizable
Fonts used in template:
AvantGarde Bk Bt (http://ttfonts.net/font/7381_AvantGardeBkBT.htm)
Roboto Condensed (http://www.google.com/fonts/specimen/Roboto+Condensed)
Note: Preview images are not included in the package.
The template assembly can include the following files: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Fonts, Icons, Images.
If the description indicates otherwise, this is just an example as a template can be used.
Right Choice is a responsive html template, designed and layered keeping in mind most of commonly used e-commerce platforms. The template comes with 12 pages, both wide and boxed styles, sliders, carousels, ready to use jQuery plugins. Features HTML5 & CSS3 innovative features Fully responsive design Twitter’s Bootstrap Framework Wide & Boxed Layout Styles Easy Customizable Credits Fonts used in template: AvantGarde Bk Bt (http://ttfonts.net/font/7381_AvantGardeBkBT.htm) Roboto Condensed (http://www.google.com/fonts/specimen/Roboto+Condensed) Note: Preview images are not included in the package.