Xmee has 36 unique animated HTML templates which are modern and clean designs that are fully responsive. Login, Registration, Forgot Password,, OTP and Job Application pages are available here. These templates are built on SCSS, LESS and Bootstrap 5+ Framework. It also RTL supported. The code is excellently formatted and commented on. It is easy to customize.
HTML5 and CSS3 Markup
Rtl Version Available
Clean And Modern Design
Bootstrap 5+ Based
SCSS, LESS and CSS Files Included
Full Responsive And Mobile Friendly
Flexible And Well Commented Code
Easy to Customize
Text Animation Effect
Video Background
Kenburn Background
Particles Background
Star Animation Background
The template assembly can include the following files: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Fonts, Icons, Images.
If the description indicates otherwise, this is just an example as a template can be used.
Xmee has 36 unique animated HTML templates which are modern and clean designs that are fully responsive. Login, Registration, Forgot Password,, OTP and Job Application pages are available here. These templates are built on SCSS, LESS and Bootstrap 5+ Framework. It also RTL supported. The code is excellently formatted and commented on. It is easy to customize. Features HTML5 and CSS3 Markup Rtl Version Available Clean And Modern Design Bootstrap 5+ Based SCSS, LESS and CSS Files Included Full Responsive And Mobile Friendly Flexible And Well Commented Code Easy to Customize Text Animation Effect Video Background Kenburn Background Particles Background Star Animation Background