Bonanxaa - Minimal Portfolio HTML5 Responsive Template


Overview Bonanxaa – Minimal Portfolio Html 5 Responsive Template, startup or little freelancers team. You can create your Gym & Fitness template with Gymoga. Template is built with Bootstrap 4.0 framework. It is easily customizable Features List Valid HTML5 & CSS3 Multy Page Template 11 Html files Dynamic Contact Form Neat, clean and simple design Creative and Modern Design Built Based on Bootstrap v4.4 Fully Responsive Cross Browser Optimization Well Commented HTML & CSS files Google Fonts Images are not include Tested on real devices Isotope Gallery Awesome Unique Look Well Documented & More… All Html Files List: index.html index-2.html about-us

The template assembly can include the following files: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Fonts, Icons, Images.
If the description indicates otherwise, this is just an example as a template can be used.


Overview Bonanxaa – Minimal Portfolio Html 5 Responsive Template, startup or little freelancers team. You can create your Gym & Fitness template with Gymoga. Template is built with Bootstrap 4.0 framework. It is easily customizable Features List Valid HTML5 & CSS3 Multy Page Template 11 Html files Dynamic Contact Form Neat, clean and simple design Creative and Modern Design Built Based on Bootstrap v4.4 Fully Responsive Cross Browser Optimization Well Commented HTML & CSS files Google Fonts Images are not include Tested on real devices Isotope Gallery Awesome Unique Look Well Documented & More… All Html Files List: index.html index-2.html about-us