Stampready online Builder
Export to desktop
Change background images
Duplicate or hide modules
Inline Css and optimized code
Fully Layered PSD included
MailChimp compatible
Campaign monitor compatible
Mailster compatible (Mymail)
HTML without tags version
Compatible with all ESPs using html version
Documentation included
Files Included
Stampready compatible file
Mailchimp compatibe file
Campaign monitor compatibe file
Mailster compatibe file
HTML version file
PSD Layered File
Full Documentation with video instructions
Esp Compatibility
The template assembly can include the following files: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Fonts, Icons, Images.
If the description indicates otherwise, this is just an example as a template can be used.
Features Stampready online Builder Export to desktop Change background images Duplicate or hide modules Inline Css and optimized code Fully Layered PSD included MailChimp compatible Campaign monitor compatible Mailster compatible (Mymail) HTML without tags version Compatible with all ESPs using html version Documentation included Files Included Stampready compatible file Mailchimp compatibe file Campaign monitor compatibe file Mailster compatibe file HTML version file PSD Layered File Full Documentation with video instructions Esp Compatibility Mailchimp