Nero - Personal vCard / Resume Template


Nero – this is a fully responsive one-page html templates for Personal vCard / Resume pages, based on the bootstrap 4 with pixel perfect design. Template Features Based on Bootstrap 4.x 2 Main Demo (Dark & Light) Fully Responsive Desing Clean, Moder & Creative Desing W3C Validated Valid HTML5 & CSS3 Code Font Awesome Icons Icofont Icons Linearicons Google Fonts Cross Browser Compatible JQuery and CSS3 Animation Isotope Portfolio Fully Customizable 24/7 Friendly Customer Support Well Documented & More…. Plugin Credits Bootstrap Font-Awesome Isotope Icofont Linearicons Slick Images Credits Unsplash Pexels Nothingtochance Fonts Montserrat Open Sans Note: Images are only for demo purpose and not included with the do

The template assembly can include the following files: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Fonts, Icons, Images.
If the description indicates otherwise, this is just an example as a template can be used.


Nero – this is a fully responsive one-page html templates for Personal vCard / Resume pages, based on the bootstrap 4 with pixel perfect design. Template Features Based on Bootstrap 4.x 2 Main Demo (Dark & Light) Fully Responsive Desing Clean, Moder & Creative Desing W3C Validated Valid HTML5 & CSS3 Code Font Awesome Icons Icofont Icons Linearicons Google Fonts Cross Browser Compatible JQuery and CSS3 Animation Isotope Portfolio Fully Customizable 24/7 Friendly Customer Support Well Documented & More…. Plugin Credits Bootstrap Font-Awesome Isotope Icofont Linearicons Slick Images Credits Unsplash Pexels Nothingtochance Fonts Montserrat Open Sans Note: Images are only for demo purpose and not included with the do