Kick || Football Club HTML5 Template


KICK || Football Club HTML5 Template KICK is High-quality Responsive Bootstrap Template for football club, soccer club who needs a web template to promote and introduce their club.Specifically designed for modern soccer clubs, leagues, for team and players, fixture matches multiple views gives clubs, leagues to manage their events on their website.It is a Highly customizable code, Simple, Clean and Professional Template.With all it’s features you can build something great. Main Features Valid HTML5 & CSS3 Build on Bootstrap 3 Advance Framework Responsive Design Clean & Optimized Code Crossbrowser Compatible 20+ Completed HTML Files Awesome Customized Slider Easy Customization Well Documented

The template assembly can include the following files: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Fonts, Icons, Images.
If the description indicates otherwise, this is just an example as a template can be used.


KICK || Football Club HTML5 Template KICK is High-quality Responsive Bootstrap Template for football club, soccer club who needs a web template to promote and introduce their club.Specifically designed for modern soccer clubs, leagues, for team and players, fixture matches multiple views gives clubs, leagues to manage their events on their website.It is a Highly customizable code, Simple, Clean and Professional Template.With all it’s features you can build something great. Main Features Valid HTML5 & CSS3 Build on Bootstrap 3 Advance Framework Responsive Design Clean & Optimized Code Crossbrowser Compatible 20+ Completed HTML Files Awesome Customized Slider Easy Customization Well Documented