6 Essential Features and Pages On a Modern Website

These days, a business website is as necessary as a logo. Without it, customers can’t learn more about you, browse your offerings, or find contact details to get in touch with you. If you’ve realized the importance of a website, you might be excited about getting stuck in and creating something truly beautiful.

However, without experience or previous website knowledge, you might struggle to know where to begin. If you need a helping hand to create a website that stands out for all the right reasons, you might like to start with some of these essential features and pages.

A Blog

A blog might not seem like a necessary addition to your product or serving-selling business website, but content creation businesses like CopyPress might tell you otherwise. Blogs can drive traffic to your website, turn that traffic into paying customers and help you enjoy higher rankings in search results.

Any business can benefit from a blog section regardless of the industry. For example, a travel agency might receive new customers simply by providing travel article writing on its website. If you don’t have time to create your own blog content, you could hire travel blog post writers to take care of it for you.

An About Page

Even with the best cybersecurity features on your website, some site visitors might still struggle to believe your site and business are genuine. Sadly, many scam websites make it hard for authentic companies to be trusted.

However, an ‘about’ page dedicated to information about your business or company can be a game-changer in this respect. An about page introduces your brand, builds trust with your audience, and humanizes your business. On this page, you can talk about your business as a whole or use it as an opportunity to introduce your key team members. The more ‘human’ your business looks, the more trusted it might be.

Safety Features

Trusted businesses put time and effort into ensuring their customers can rely on them for high-quality products and services. However, that doesn’t mean your website itself will be safe for internet users to visit.

In the early stages of site development, prioritize cybersecurity and safety features to keep all internet users safe. Keep your software and plugins up to date, use a secure web host, and add HTTPS and SSL certifications. You might even see the value in backing up your website, choosing a smart password, and understanding your web server configuration files.

If you aren’t developing your website yourself, communicate with your chosen developer about the importance of security features for your and your customers’ peace of mind.

Mobile Optimization

Over half of all web traffic worldwide comes from mobile devices. This means over half of all internet users use smartphones, tablets, and similar devices to access the internet, rather than a traditional computer.

If your website isn’t optimized for mobile users, site visitors might decide to explore the mobile-friendly sites of your competition. A mobile-friendly website’s most important features are readability, usability, speed, and navigation.

Use readable fonts, provide plenty of space between clickable elements, and ensure your site is built with a single-column layout. It’s also important to avoid pop-ups, optimize all images for faster load times, and perform constant mobile testing to ensure your mobile site will meet your customers’ needs.

A FAQ Page

There might have come a time when you browsed a business’s website with a burning question and couldn’t find the answer you were looking for. Rather than reading every article and blog post to find the small details, you decided to visit another website that made that information easy to find in a FAQ section.

Such a situation can be why it’s crucial to have a FAQ page. These pages answer questions about what people can expect from your business and can save you and site visitors a significant amount of time. Many businesses include information about shipping and handling, product information, and return policies in their FAQ section.

A Contact Page

Many business owners put time and effort into ensuring their website has all the information customers need to make informed purchasing decisions. However, there may come a time when a customer needs more information or has a custom request or question they can’t find the answers for. In that case, a contact page can be necessary.

Contact pages can include basic information, such as a physical address and web form, along with a contact phone number and social media pages. Some business-to-business organizations might also include email addresses, but this is now less common due to the frequency of spam. They’ll often provide multiple other contact options and might offer email address information over the phone if it’s necessary.

Knowing how to create a website that satisfies customer needs can sometimes be quite challenging, especially since web development can be complex and multi-faceted. However, if you have some of these basic features and pages above, you might enjoy a solid foundation for a high-quality website that suits your needs now and into the future.